Proffie Installed Korbanth Revan Lightsaber
Installed with:
Shtok Pcb
Profffieboard v2.2 (ProffieOS 6.7) (fett263 buttons)
Two buttons
Saberbay chassis
22mm speaker
Removabe Battery system
Fonts included:
The Prodigal Butcher by Kyberphonic (Purple)
The Prodigal Butcher by Kyberphonic (Red)
The Crazy Hermit by Kyberphonic (Green)
The Disciple by Kyberphonic (Blue)
The Sentinel Shan by Kyberphonic (Gold)
The Metallic Jaw by Kyberphonic (red with purple accents)
GFOB by Ronin Sabers (Green)
Battle by Kyberphonic (Blue)
Unlightsable by Kyberphonic (Purple Unstable)
Project Stardust by Kyberphonic (Silver blade)
Party Blade (passive Battery Monitor) (Rainbow Flame)
This Saber does not comes with Battery or blade. Saber comes as is.